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3 Ways to Lift Sinking Concrete

crew member fixing residential concrete driveway

Concrete driveways and sidewalks should be smooth and level. When these structures begin to sink, they create safety hazards and reduce your property’s curb appeal and value.

Groundworks offers industry-leading concrete lifting solutions that lift, level, and stabilize concrete slabs while also addressing the underlying causes of damage.

This page outlines three ways to lift sinking concrete and restore your home’s safety and value.

What Causes Sinking Concrete?

Concrete sinks for many reasons, most of which are due to environmental factors such as soil type and weather conditions. Here’s a list of the most common reasons why concrete sinks:

dry cracked soil
  • Dry, shrinking soil due to drought
  • Soil washout due to excess rain or poor drainage
  • Shifting soil due to invasive tree roots or expansive soil
  • Improper soil preparation, mixing, and pouring before installation

If you observe sinking concrete or other problem signs, contact a concrete repair professional for an expert inspection and diagnosis. Unaddressed damage leads to further damage and potential foundation problems.

3 Ways to Lift Sinking Concrete

polyurethane concrete lifting foam and tool

#1: PolyRenewal Injection

PolyRenewal™ injection stabilizes and lifts concrete slabs by addressing the underlying cause of damage with eco-friendly, high-density polyurethane foam. The process involves drilling small holes in the affected slab, injecting professional-grade polymer into the void, and allowing the expanding foam to fill the space and lift the slab back to a level position. This method provides a permanent solution to settling concrete, restoring the integrity of floors and foundations while being minimally invasive and environmentally conscious.

mudjacking slurry

#2: Mudjacking

Mudjacking, once a popular concrete lifting method, involves pumping a slurry mixture beneath the slab through holes in the surface. However, the material is messy, and the process doesn’t address the underlying causes of settlement, providing only temporary relief. 

The heavy slurry can cause additional settlement over time, leading to further damage. As a result, more advanced, permanent solutions like PolyRenewal™ have replaced mudjacking.

crew member bag of concrete wheelbarrow

#3: Slab Replacement

Slab replacement involves removing and replacing the damaged concrete slab. This process includes breaking up and removing the old slab, preparing the base, and pouring fresh concrete to create a new, level surface. Slab replacement is more time-consuming, invasive, and expensive than other concrete lifting methods.

Contact Groundworks for Expert Concrete Repair

two Groundworks truck and team

Groundworks provides industry-leading concrete lifting services using advanced repair techniques for long-term results. Our experts assess your property, identify the causes of concrete settlement, and recommend tailored solutions. 

We restore uneven sidewalks, sinking pool decks, foundation issues, and more with expertise and precision. Protect your investment by contacting us today for a free inspection.

Shaye Glisson

Shaye Glisson

Shaye is an SEO Content Writer for Groundworks with over twelve years of experience creating helpful content across various industries, including home services and retail. She is a Gulf Coast native and writes from her firsthand knowledge of the area's hurricane and flood impacts on the local community. In her free time, Shaye enjoys exploring the local food and music scenes.